SMART PEAFOWLS (Me, in the Wild) I consider myself to be the luckiest employee in this wide world. Every night I wait for the sun to raise next morning so I can rush to my work place in the midst of wilderness. I work as a Naturalist with some 'state of the art' organization that propagates & inspires enthusiasts to study and work on wildlife, environment & nature. The Serenity Library sits on 50,000 sq. mts.. area of land which is no less than a forest. It is a thickly foliaged estate that boasts of lush green landscape with a wide range of flora and fauna thriving within it. It has a big man-made pond interlaced with paved walkways that run through thick outgrowths, an administrative block that houses my office, a reading room that racks up 2,500 books on wildlife, environment & nature, a 70 head strong capacity multimedia room with a 8'X8' screen to project documentaries, films & educational programs on wildlife, environment & nature from our own ...